I typically do not slow down enough to write or read for pleasure on a regular basis but one thing I do is capture life's moments through the lens of a camera. This isn't something I claim to be good at. In fact, photographer doesn't even come to mind when I think of who I am. What does come to mind is I'm the one with the camera journeying through life as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, and friend.


2.28.13 - These Two Are Buds

I absolutely love watching these two...
makes me wish I had a big brother!


2.27.13 - Tired Girl

There was no pillow to be found so she uses the wall.
This girl is out of shape...she quickly found her bed after
Jalen took her for a walk.


2.25.13 - PIGTAILS!!!

I couldn't decide which picture I liked best so I decided to 
make a collage of them all.  I love how excited she gets after
I put something in her hair...she smiles from ear to ear as
we say "oh, so pretty!"  She says "ity...ity"


2.24.13 - They're Having a BOY!

YEAH!  I can't wait to meet him...July 14 can't get here
soon enough.  They definitely have the Aunt and Uncle
thing down so I know they'll be great parents.


2.23.13 - Does It Get Any Better?

Definitely not in a dog's world....rough life!


2.22.13 - Mickey D's Date

Derk had class so I braved a dinner date at Mickey D's with
all three kids.  They played for a good hour on the germ-house, 
I mean playhouse.  The boys weren't too happy when
I asked them to pause for a picture.  As for Lauren, well
she decided she was going to be a big girl and drink
from a straw...if only I let her do it by herself she would
have been so much happier!


2.21.13 - Food's Coming

Hold your little piggies there...food's coming, there
is no need to chew on those toes!


2.20.13 - Music Junkie

Ty LOVES music, he always has...he especially loves stories 
books that sing songs.  


2.19.13 - Hard At Work

This little lady didn't need anyone to show her what this carseat
was for.  The minute she saw it she found her baby, tucked her in 
and off she went...literally, on two feet.  She's been taking a few
steps for the last few weeks.  We're still trying to get it on camera.
Each time she does it she is always distracted with something, 
this time she was hard at work, taking care of her baby.


2.18.13 - So Very Special

I asked Jalen if he'd watch take care of Lauren while I got dinner
ready.  Next thing I know he is reading her a book and he
wasn't just telling her about the pictures he was actually 
reading, hitting the "buzz" words and sounding out the 
ones he wasn't sure of.  And Lauren, well if you've ever
tried to read her a book you know she doesn't sit still...she
grabs for the next pages and wants to read it herself.  Not
this time, she was just sitting there as content as can be listening.


2.17.13 - Teamwork!

I always find it hard to throw away an big diaper box
without first giving it to the kids.  There is just something
about seeing their creative minds at work that brings back
my own childhood memories of making diaper box costumes.

This picture is especially telling because if you look
closely you'll see Lauren is pointing.  She was right in the middle of it
all giving orders on what she thought the boys should do next.


2.16.13 - What's For Dinner?

Except this time the tables had turned...we were asking
Ty, our short order cook.


2.15.13 - This Just About Captures It

On the left we were trying to capture a cute super fan moment.
Lauren wasn't having any of it and forget trying to get her
do something she doesn't want to do.  As for the
picture on the right, Ty man...he loves the attention and
the longer he goes without smiling the more ridiculous 
those behind the camera get.  Welcome to our world!


2.14.13 - Something's Not Right

Lauren climbed into her collapsed walker
and I just had to catch this very confused look.
Her feet got caught and she just didn't understand
why she wasn't going anywhere.  I didn't take the picture
until after she had done it a few times...each time
ended the same.  She looked every confused and 
needed someone to help her out..."me...me" which 
in Lauren speak means "hey you, do what I want you to do".


2.13.13 - Can't Wear These New Shoes UNTIL...

...you can tie them.
Funny what a new pair of shoe does
for motivations.  


2.12.13 - Mardi Gras FUN

At least some innocent fun with beads!


2.11.13 - Hard at Work...

...addressing Valentines.


2.10.13 - So Lucky!

That's right...my sister and brother in law started dating 
10 years ago and decided that is something to celebrate.
As a result, we got to watch my little niece Mara.
The boys were so cute...Jalen was a big helper
and Ty, well he decided to teach Mara about balls.


2.9.13 - US in Chicago

Thanks to our loving family who
graciously loves on our
kiddos for the weekend we sneak away
to Chicago each year in Feb.
The excuse is a football clinic but
while the guys are off figuring out
how to win football games, the wives
shop until we literally drop.


2.8.13 - 12 Days of Valentines

For the last 3 years Derk has spoiled me in the days leading up 
to Valentine's Day.  I've never been much for this
silly "Hallmark" holiday but his thoughtfulness has made
it all very special.  I have the best husband!


2.7.13 - Childhood Memories

One thing my mom always did with us each 
winter was to make a snowman.  I even
remember one year we made a snowhorse.
This memory makes we want to get out
each year and make one with my kids.


2.6.13 - Making the 10 Commandments Stick

Jalen came home with a challenge from church...to learn the 10
commandments during the month of February.  Hmmm...now to
figure out a way to make it easy.  After doing
a little searching on the web I combined two resources to 
1) create these cards and 2) use this song from youtube


2.5.13 - Hood Towel Shot

Yup...always so cute!  
Maybe next time I'll get it in her more girly towel.


2.4.13 - Starting 'Em Young

We asked Jalen to shovel off the deck for Lucy.
Our long haired dog and snow just do not mix well...even 
after a visit to the groomers Lucy still gets snow matted
in her fur.  Jalen was eager to help and did a great job!


2.3.13 - Cheeks and Chicken Noodle

 On a cold winter day when you've been out in
the snow to play there is nothing better than 
homemade Chicken Noodle Soup!


2.2.13 - My Sleeping Babies

I had to grab the camera 
because before I know these
precious ones will be grown up!


2.1.13 - Nothing That A Little TV Can't Distract

We tried to get an appt for Ty to have his stitches removed but
because of his age the dr. office said we'd have to go back to
ER or an urgent care center because they didn't have 
the equipment (e.g. to strap him down).  Strap him down, are 
you kidding me.  If this kid didn't need to be strapped to a
a board when the stitches were put in he definitely
 doesn't need it to have them taken out.
Now for a few months of Mederma and we should be all set.